Winter Wonderful

Winter Wonderful

Why Winter Can Be Just As Desirable as Summer

We’re pretty lucky with the seasons here in Australia. Just as you’re starting to tire of one, the next one kicks in. We often long for, celebrate, and romanticise Summer; it’s only natural with the stunning beaches and coastal lifestyle a lot of us have on offer, but Winter doesn’t have to mean the fun is over. There are plenty of things to love about Winter, not least of all some time to rest. 

Here are 5 things that can make Winter wonderful: 


Snuggling Up In Bed 

There is little surprise that we at Snooze love a good snuggle up in bed in Winter. Fresh linen sheets, a cosy quilt, and some luxurious pillows are our idea of heaven. As Winter is a season we tend to spend a lot of time inside, it can be the perfect opportunity to create a haven of tranquillity in your bedroom. 

Refresh your bedroom for Winter by rearranging your bedroom furniture, adding some extra storage to help minimise clutter or consider a plush upholstered bedframe for the ultimate Winter bed.

To add an extra element of cosiness to your lazy Sunday morning under the covers, make yourself a cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate, and let your mind escape to another world reading your favourite book.


A Warm Bath

Taking a bath can certainly liven up any ordinary Winter weekday. Warm baths may have taken a back seat to sandy feet and barbecues in previous months, but bathing has to be one thing about Winter that is truly glorious for the body, mind, and soul.

Add some bubbles, essential oils, maybe a good face mask (likely the one that’s been patiently waiting to be used in your bathroom cupboard for months) and a warm bath can become a restorative Winter ritual. Taking a warm bath at the end of the day, putting on cosy pyjamas, and sinking into bed with that full-body relaxation is a deeply nurturing feeling only a bath can bring.


Cosy Loungewear and Slippers

The arrival of Winter surely gives us a license to live in cosy loungewear and slippers. Aside from workwear often required during the day, you can enjoy spending a great deal of Winter swathed in soft, fleecy materials and everyone’s favourite Ugg boots, slippers, or a pair of chunky knitted socks.

Imagine an evening on the sofa in lounge pants and an oversized, worn-out tee with socks, rugged up watching a brand-new season of your favourite TV series: pure heaven.


Soup and Sticky-Date Pudding

Pumpkin, pea & ham, or hearty chicken and vegetable, whatever you may be into, a warm bowl of nourishing soup is always a Winter highlight. Add a piece of crusty bread drizzled with fancy butter and you have yourself a luxurious and nutritious Winter meal.

Sticky date pudding is always more appealing in Winter than in Summer. This classic dessert is rarely turned down, particularly when drenched in hot, caramel sauce (ok then, add some ice cream too). A decadent treat, sticky-date pudding alone could well make Winter your new favourite season.


Enjoying Nature

The way the light falls through the trees seems somehow gentler in Winter. The reduced intensity of the sun leaves a daylight beauty that has its own identity. Rugging yourself up and getting out and about in Winter can be an invigorating experience. The cold air on your skin and making a point of taking in one of the many beautiful types of Australian landscapes is a must. 

Whether you get out and about and take in what your local area has to offer, or you simply enjoy the cosy feeling of listening to the rain outside while you’re rugged up inside, making time to enjoy nature in Winter can certainly make you appreciate the subtle magic of the season and the world around you.

So, while you may normally long for sun-drenched days and balmy nights, remember that there is plenty to love about Winter. Take some time to appreciate the little things and revel in the chance to rest and restore with some of life’s luxuries. For help creating your cosiest Winter bedroom yet, head in-store and talk to our friendly team.

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