Always snoozing?

Always snoozing?

Do you hear the alarm then hit the snooze button then hit it again? And again? So when you finally tumble out of bed you’re in a rush because you’re already running 30 minutes late? And suddenly one shoe is missing. And your hair has gone hay wire. And the kids are refusing to get dressed. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. And there is good news.

Hitting the snooze button is a habit, a bad one. And, like all bad habits, you can break it. As long as you really want to. Just remember, if you oversleep by 30 minutes every day, it adds up to around 120 hours a year. Or three 40-hour weeks. Imagine what you could do with all those extra hours! Of course, it’s not that simple to change a bad habit so here are 5 tips to help you stop snoozing and get out of bed in the morning!

1. Get enough sleep


Not sure how many hours you need to sleep? According to the National Sleep Foundation1, most adults need around 7 – 9 hours sleep a night to get a good night’s sleep. So it’s a good idea to go to bed round 8 hours before your alarm is due to go off. If you have trouble getting to sleep even if you’re always tired, you might like to consider what you’re doing in those few hours before you hit the sack. It’s a good idea to avoid stimulants like caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, large meals and sweet food, as well as watching television or playing an electronic game. If you can, read a book, take a bath or listen to soft music so you relax your body and brain, ready for sleep.

If you’re still tempted to head back to bed, place the alarm in the hallway, or the kitchen, right next to the espresso machine or in the bathroom, next to the shower! As long as you can hear it, you can put it anywhere.

2. Sleep at the same time

While it’s important to get enough sleep, you can also try going to bed at the same time every night. Work out the time that you generally go to sleep, then try to stick to it. So if you decide on 11pm, that’s the time you get your pjs on, regardless of what’s on television. You then start to set you alarm for the same time each morning, even on weekends! Hopefully you’ll be able to get out of bed easily and start feeling fresher and more motivated each morning.

3. Try sleep apps

Have you checked out all the sleep apps that are available? The idea is that they help you fall asleep at the right time so you’re not always tired in the morning. After a good night’s sleep, you might be ready to hit ‘off’ and get out of bed straight away. There are all sorts of apps available now that offer all sorts of techniques. Some guide you through yoga exercises or mediation techniques, while others provide ‘noise’ that helps you nod off. Do a bit of research before you purchase a sleep app as there are so many out there

4. Move your alarm

If your alarm is on your beside table, within easy reach, it might be time to move it! If possible, move it to the furthest part of your bedroom, even if it’s on the floor. Put your slippers and dressing gown or runners and track pants beside it so when you walk over to turn the alarm off, you get dressed and keep on walking. If you’re still tempted to head back to bed, place the alarm in the hallway, or the kitchen, right next to the espresso machine or in the bathroom, next to the shower! As long as you can hear it, you can put it anywhere.

5. Sleep on a good mattress

If you’re tossing and turning all night, it might be because your bed, mattress or pillow isn’t offering you the comfort and support you need. As a general rule, a mattress lasts between 7-10 years. If you’re rolling into the middle of the bed or sinking into a dip where you always sleep, it might be time to look for a new mattress. As this can be a daunting, frustrating and expensive process, it’s vital that you read as much as you can before you head out and purchase anything. For starters, you could read a Mattress Buying Guide, which helps take the guesswork out of buying a mattress.

6. Two alarm clocks are better than one

If you’ve tried everything but you’re still snoozing instead of getting out of bed, invest in another alarm clock. Maybe even three. Place the first one on your beside table. Place the second one beside your door. Set this one for two minutes later and make sure it’s on the loudest, most awful beeping sound possible. If you have a third one, place it in the hallway, kitchen or bathroom and set it for three minutes later. Hopefully after the first morning, your natural reaction will be to get up after the first alarm so you can turn the other two off before they start beeping at you and waking up the whole neighbourhood!

7. Drink a big glass of water

When you wake up in the morning, your body can be quite dehydrated. Even if you drank a litre of water the day before, by the time you wake up you’ve probably used up your stores and it’s time to refill your system. By drinking a big glass of water you’ll be giving your cells a blast of much needed water and you’ll feel it instantly. Not only will you feel more refreshed, you’ll probably have more natural energy through the morning and feel happy and healthy.

We hope these tips show you how to wake up and get out of bed when your alarm goes off, so you can fit more into your day.


1. National Sleep Foundation

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