Terms and Conditions – Bedrooms by Design

1 Bedrooms by Design

1.1 These Terms and Conditions apply to the Snooze’s Bedrooms by Designinterior decoration consultancy Services.

1.2 By the completing the Online Booking Form and paying the Fee, the Customer acknowledges and agrees that is placing an order with Snooze for the provision of the Services in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy and the Snooze Terms. For the avoidance of doubt, the Services do not include the sale or purchase of the Products.

1.3 The Customer’s order for the Services will only be accepted by Snooze when the relevant Consultant has confirmed an Appointment with the Customer.

1.4 Snooze reserves the right to cancel or reject any orders for the Services and refund the Customer the Fee.

1.5 All Services will be provided by Snooze remotely or online only.

2 Appointment

2.1 The Customer must provide accurate and up to date information in the Online Booking Form.

2.2 Upon receipt of the completed Online Booking Form and payment of the Fee, Snooze will contact the Customer to book an Appointment for the Consultation. 

2.3 The Customer will be offered by Snooze available Appointment slots between 9:00am and 5:00pm on Business Days for the Consultation, and the Customer may choose one of the offered Appointment slots.

2.4 Snooze reserves the right to cancel an Appointment and shall use reasonable endeavours to provide the Customer with advance notice of any cancellation. However, in any circumstances where a Appointment is cancelled by Snooze, the Customer will be offered a new Appointment or a refund of the Fee if no new date could be agreed.

2.5 The Customer may cancel and reschedule an Appointment up to 24 hours prior to the scheduled time by emailing bedroomsbydesign@snooze.com.au. Snooze will attempt to reschedule the Appointment with the Customer subject to availability where the Customer cancels within this timeframe.

2.6 Snooze may in its discretion reschedule an Appointment where the Customer fails to cancel the Appointment at least 24 hours prior.

3 Consultation

3.1 During the Consultation, the Consultant will assist the Customer strictly in discussing interior decorations solutions within the Product range based on the information and budget provided by the Customer.

3.2 The Consultant will not provide the Customer with any advice regarding the Products suitability or appropriateness for the Customer.

3.3 The Consultation will be held at the Appointment virtually. Internet connection required.

3.4 The Customer must provide the Consultant with accurate information and details specified in the Online Booking Form.

3.5 The Customer acknowledges and agrees that:

(1) the Consultation is a maximum of thirty (30) minutes in length, but may be increased by the Consultant in its discretion;

(2) the Customer is not entitled to a Consultation beyond thirty (30) minutes in length;

(3) any further Consultations will be charged at the rate of the Fee or such other amount agreed between Snooze and the Customer;

(4) the Consultation will be guided and informed by the Customer’s responses in the Online Booking Form, and therefore comprehensive and accurate details and information (including photos and measurements of rooms) will assist the Consultant in understanding the Customer’s needs; and

(5) the Consultant may terminate the Consultation in circumstances where the Customer threatens, humiliates, harasses or abuses the Consultant.

4 Mood Board

.1 Following the completion of the Consultation, the Consultant prepares one (1) Mood Board for the Customer.

4.2 The Consultant will prepare the Mood Board for the Customer based on the information discussed and exchanged during the Consultation.

4.3 The Customer acknowledges and agrees that:

(1) the Mood Board will only specify the Products, and not any products offered by suppliers other than Snooze Stores;

(2) any additional Mood Boards or revisions to the Mood Board must bearranged directly with the Consultant and the Consultant may, in their discretion, provide such at an agreed cost.

4.4 The Mood Board is provided solely for purpose of providing Product ideas forthe Customer with ideas to consider for their interior decoration needs, and Snooze cannot warrant that the Products contained in the Mood Board will:

(1) be appropriate or suitable for the Customer; or

(2) fit within the Customer’s proposed space for the Product.

4.5 The Customer acknowledges and agrees that it must conduct its own inquiries and investigations into the suitability, appropriateness and fitness for purpose of any Products specified on the Mood Board.

4.6 Consultants cannot create custom or modified solutions for Customers and are limited to suggesting Snooze range of Products.

5 Further services

5.1 Following receipt of the Mood Board, a Customer may arrange with the Consultant to discuss the Mood Board and otherwise undertake further consultations. These additional services will be charged at an additional cost which will be discussed and agreed between the parties.

5.2 The Customer may in its absolute discretion make inquiries regarding the Products specified on the Mood Board either at a Snooze Store or on the Website.

6 Consumer law and exclusions

6.1 Our goods and services come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods or services repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure. 

6.2 Subject to the above, to the full extent permitted by law, all warranties, conditions and other terms express or implied by statute, custom or common law are excluded. Nothing contained in these terms and conditions excludes or restricts any consumer guarantee, warranty, condition, right or remedy implied by any statute (including the Australian Consumer Law) which cannot be excluded, provided that, to the extent that the statute permits, Snooze is entitled to limit its liability as set out above for a breach of a guarantee, condition or a warranty implied by that statute.

6.3 Snooze’s liability under these Terms and Conditions is, where permitted by law, limited to the replacement or refund of the goods or services.

7 Privacy

7.1 Customer information will be collected and processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

8 Definitions and Interpretation

8.1 In these terms and conditions:

(1) Appointment means the time and date to hold the Consultation.

(2) Bedrooms by Design means Snooze’s Bedrooms by Design interior consultancy service;

(3) Business Day means a day that is not a public holiday or weekend in Melbourne, Victoria;

(4) Consultant means the consultant providing the Services to the Customer for or on behalf of Snooze;

(5) Consultation means the thirty (30) minute consultation between the Consultant and the Customer to discuss Customer’s interiordecoration needs and the Customer’s responses to the Online Booking Form;

(6) Customer means the customer acquiring the Services in accordance with Terms and Conditions;

(7) Fee means the fee for the Services advertised by Snooze from time to time.

(8) Mood Board means a digital collage consisting of images, text, and samples of the Products in a composition curated by the Consultant for the Customer;

(9) Online Booking Form means the Bedrooms by Design online booking form located on the Website;

(10) Privacy Policy means Snooze’s privacy policy provided at the following link as updated from time to time: [link];

(11) Products means the products offered for sale and sold by Snooze Stores;

(12) Services means Bedrooms by Design services comprising

(a) one (1) Consultation; and

(b) the preparation of one (1) Mood Board for the Customer;

(13) Snooze means Snooze Management Pty Ltd ACN 006 232 720;

(14) Snooze Store means “Snooze” branded retail businesses specialising in the supply of mattress, bedding and bedding and bedroom;

(15) Terms and Conditions means these Bedroom by Design terms and condition;

(16) Snooze Terms means Snooze’s general terms and conditions provided at the following link as updated from time to time: [link]; and

(17) Website means https://www.snooze.com.au/.

8.2 In these Terms and Conditions, except where the context otherwise requires:

(1) the singular includes the plural and vice versa, and a gender includes other genders;

(2) another grammatical form of a defined word or expression has a corresponding meaning;

(3) a reference to a document or instrument includes the document or instrument as novated, altered, supplemented or replaced from time to time;

(4) a reference to time is to the time in Victoria, Australia time;

(5) a reference to a person includes a natural person, partnership, body corporate, association, governmental or local authority or agency or other entity;

(6) a rule of construction does not apply to the disadvantage of a party because the party was responsible for the preparation of this agreement or any part of it;  and

(7) if a day on or by which an obligation must be performed or an event must occur is not a Business Day in Melbourne, Victoria, the obligation must be performed or the event must occur on or by the next Business Day.

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